Monday, June 1, 2009

Discover Why There Are So Many Benefits of Fish Oil

Ever wonder why the oil from the fatty tissues of oily fish is good for you? In this article you will learn the main reason while I provide some guidance on the numerous benefits of fish oil as well as drawbacks.

The only drawback is that fish also accumulate, in their flesh, toxic substances such as mercury and PCBs. For this reason the FDA recommends limiting how much of certain species you should eat (mostly predatory species such as albacore tuna, shark and swordfish) due to the poisonous substances found in flesh of these creatures.

The good news is that poison problem can be avoided by consuming supplements that uses molecular distillation to remove the toxins from the oil. Make certain the manufacturer uses molecular distillation to remove the toxins to provide a pure product. Once you know that it is not bad for you, we can talk why it is good for you. Fish oil is widely believed to provide so many health benefits because of the anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil. However, the substance that gets so much attention for improving health is the omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Because the body can not produce omega-3 fatty acids, they are essential nutrients which must be obtained from the food or supplements we eat. DHA (Docosapentaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and the most common omega-3 fatty acids. Your body can easily convert DHA to EPA as needed, but not EPA to DHA. For this reason you want your supplements to have more DHA than EPA. The best supplements will provide you with the number of milligrams of DHA and EPA in each soft gel

Now that you are armed with this information you can see why there are many benefits of fish oil. You can use Google to search for more articles on supplements and omega-3 fatty acids or you can take advantage of my research and visit my website on this subject.

W Petersen is a passionate advocate and researcher of the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. He is a father of two children and a husband. Learn more about the benifits of fish oil at his website
